Lucía Colores - Brand Idendity for Online Gift Shop
Lucía Colores is an online shop that sells hand-crafted items, decoration, clothes, and more. They have a vibrant creativity and a lot of artistic expression, the client approached me to design the brand identity.
At the heart of Lucía Colores lies a unique and deeply personal inspiration. My client, who is visually impaired, found inspiration in Saint Lucy, the patron saint of vision and light. This profound connection with Saint Lucy's story became the cornerstone of the brand's identity.
The logo beautifully encapsulates the essence of the brand. At its core is an eye, radiating with beams of light, symbolizing not just the visual element but the illumination of the heart. The brand's tagline: 'Heartmade stuff,' reinforces a commitment to crafting each product with love and care, and we wanted to reflec that with the heart integrated into the logo.
Alternate Marks and Badges
A Vibrant and Expressive Color Palette
Materials, Textures & Patterns
Application Examples
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